Sunday, January 1, 2012

Favorite Ten of 2011

Despite not having written in this blog since June, I've still tried to keep up with the musical happenings from Hong Kong. Here are my personal top ten records of the last earth rotation. As always, it took a LOT of thought to narrow it down. Happy New Year!

10. Kaputt by Destroyer (Probably the year's best music video, specifically at about 0:41)

9. The King of Limbs by Radiohead

8. w h o k i l l by tUnE-yArDs

7. The King Is Dead by The Decemberists

6. Let England Shake by PJ Harvey

5. Strange Negotiations by David Bazan (Reviewed)

4. Oneirology by CunninLynguists

3. Bon Iver, Bon Iver by Bon Iver

2. Father, Son, Holy Ghost by Girls

1. Helplessness Blues by Fleet Foxes (Reviewed)

And here are some more links, should you want to see what I thought of 2009 and 2010.